Saturday, August 14, 2010

Chinese Formula Causing Babies to Grow Breasts

The questionable products coming out of China continue. Now infant girls between 4 and 15 months who were fed the formula Synutra are growing breasts. The problem may most likely be traced back to the cows who were used in the making of the formula. There are no laws in China about giving growth hormones to cows, so needless to say, farmers are probably pretty reckless with their use of them.

So the greed for profits once again harms the innocent. It pains me that the poor babies are the ones being harmed by this. See the article here:

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Food, Inc

1. Watch Food, Inc.

2. Sit for 10 minutes and think about all the food in your pantry and where it probably comes from.

3. Make a resolution to walk into Whole Foods or a farmers market, and buy organic. Just one time. See if it kills you. I bet it won't. Actually, I bet what you are eating now will kill you. And I bet you will be surprised at how affordable organic produce is. I was! And now I am totally sold. I find it hard to NOT buy organic.

The deception that goes on in the meat, dairy and agriculture industry in the U.S.A. is appalling and we must wake up to what is happening to our food supply. Disease, antibiotic and hormone ridden meat doesn't sound very appetizing, yet that is exactly what lurks in that fast food burger.

Food Inc is a very cleverly made, fascinating and easy (but hard) movie to watch. I guarantee you won't be able to turn it off.

Please please please Americans, lets start voting with our dollars, and change the market for the better. We, the consumer, DO have all the power!